Mourning the loss of Jimmy Carter

Habitat for Humanity -Clinton County joins the world in mourning the death of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. He and Rosalynn Carter have served as Habitat for Humanity’s most famous volunteers over the 35 years they helped to build affordable housing with the organization.
“It is with great sadness that we mourn the death of our 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter,” stated Cecilia Krusling, President for HFH-CC. “Jimmy and Rosalyn demonstrated the humanitarian efforts that our small affiliate strives so hard to achieve here in Clinton County. Jimmy and Rosalyn started volunteering for Habitat in Americus Georgia, near their home in Plains in March 1984, bringing worldwide attention to the need for decent and affordable housing for all people.”
“I think every human being has within himself or herself a desire to reach out to others and to share some of our blessings with those who are in need,” President Carter has said. “What’s opened up that avenue for me and my wife and hundreds and thousands of others is Habitat for Humanity. It makes it easy for us to reach out and work side by side with the homeowner who’s never had a decent house, perhaps. I haven’t been on a Habitat project that I wasn’t thrilled and inspired and wept.”
In 2016, Habitat named President and Mrs. Carter as the inaugural Habitat Humanitarians for their extraordinary dedication to service in alignment with Habitat’s vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Here in Clinton County, our small Habitat affiliate looks to celebrate 30 years of existence and breaking ground on their 50th home which is quite an accomplishment. We must be thankful to all the volunteers who make our mission successful and may have been inspired by the compassionate examples of Jimmy and his wife Rosalyn Carter.