Habitat for Humanity Golf Outing Generates Funds to Help Build Homes

The Wilmington Savings Bank team consisting of Tom Burns, Bob Schaad, Jake Dehart, and Dave Wagenseller won the 20th annual Habitat for Humanity golf outing held July 31 at the Majestic Springs Golf Course.
Proceeds from the tournament will go to purchase construction materials to build homes in Clinton County. More than 200 businesses and friends supported the event that is the primary generator of funds for the organizations.
The Wilmington Savings Bank team shot a 51 and each team member won a round of golf with cart at the Majestic Springs Golf Course and 6 golf balls donated by Majestic Springs Golf Course.
The second place team was Dick Reynolds’ team with team members Dick Reynolds, Randy Lewis, Bryan Creed and John Osborn who shot a 52. Each team member won a round of golf at the Snow Hill Country Club and gift certificates from Max and Erma’s.
The third place team shooting a 55 was team Good Old Boys with team members of Len Perkins, Ray Richardson, Bill Glaspey and Jim Hilterbrandt. Each member won a round of golf and cart at the Elks 797 Golf Club.
The fourth place team from Alkermes Team #2 consisting of Beckey Zimmerman, Eric Boshears, Don Elkins and Don Merriman also shot a 55 and won Reds tickets donated by the Reds Organization.
Other event winners were: longest drive on hole 4: John Osborn; longest drive on hole 11: Harold Anderson; longest putt on Hole 9: Bryan Creed; longest putt on hole 18: Eric Boshears; closest to the pin on hole 3: Bryan Creed; and closest to the pin on hole 7: Allen Williams.
All event winners took home a sleeve of golf balls.
The other teams in the tournament were: F.O.E. #1224 , Fraternal Order Eagles # 1224, Derringer Vending & Food Services, Peoples Bank, Compton Insurance Agency, Bond Insurance , Garber’s Kin 1, Garber’s Kin 2, 797 Elks Golf Club ,Clinton County Community Action, Huhtamaki Inc., Alkermes, Ferguson Construction Co., and Applied Mechanical Systems.